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0800 072 3697

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Based in Worcestershire, UK

Registered Address (not trading address):
1st Floor Huxley House, 11 William Street,
Redditch, Worcestershire B97 4AJ

Company No: 13484985
Vat No: 265 887 643

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Heidi, Our Inspiration – CDRM and GSD’s


Heidi was our own GSD and was 10 years old when this picture was taken. She developed CDRM when she was 7.5 – chronic degenerative radio myelopathy – which progressed until she became handicapped as she lost all use in her back legs. With the rest of her fine and full of energy, she needed a dog walking aid. Lots of internet research, together with help from our vet, led us to Walkin’ Wheels. Without her wheels Heidi had to drag her hind quarters around, with her wheels she could enjoy life.

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